"He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm,
and carry them close to his heart, and shall gently lead those that are with young." Isaiah 40:11

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

On our minds today..

ok - quite the assortment of things on our minds today...but here goes.

We are now getting ready to leave on Friday or Saturday by van, and that is dependent on alot of things going well in the next few days.  I have an appointment tomorrow at "Infectious Disease" in the Children's Hospital with Rachel. If she does have the pox, we will give her something to help her fight the chicken pox - something that is given orally and I am drawing a complete blank right now on what that is called....(probably an antibiotic) And if she does not have the pox, then we will give her another VZIG. As for driving, I actually feel some relief about all being together, come what may.  Rachel has been sleeping ALOT lately and we're not sure if this is her body fighting the pox, or a sign of another spell coming. Lots of unknowns.  We certainly appreciate your prayers. 

Lent begins today! As one of our Collection of Lent readings says - It is "a time for self-denial, soul searching, and spiritual preparation".  And so to participate more fully in this, Dave and I have decided to do some self-denial and to go off desserts for the remainder of Lent, and to not eat after 8pm.  So in case some of you are planning yummy desserts to give us, we would rather save you, and especially us (!!)some disappointment;) Thank-you for treating us so well this last year.  And in case you are looking for a book to read during this time, I highly recommend  "Bread and Wine, Readings for Lent and Easter".  (including writers such as C.S. Lewis, Yancey, Buechner, Nouwen etc...)     

Dave's Grandpa is not doing well - he is back in Hospital, and so our thoughts are with him and Grandma, and the rest of the family today.
Our hearts are also with the Block family as they remember and honor John Block. He is and will be greatly missed.    


Anonymous said...

I have been following your blog for a long while now and just wanted to let you know there are still many "silent readers" who are praying for you all and asking God for peace in all the decisions you make. I can see you make every single decision with your family and children first and you continue to amaze me with your strength. I hope the drive is filled wiht peace, joy and laughter and your trip brings those things to you family-you deserve it! Love Emma

Janet said...

I'm sorry to hear that Dave's grandpa is not doing well.Prayers will go out to him.
Oh Lord be with this family.Go before them each new day.Give them all the comfort & peace they need.Amen.
Much love & prayers
Janet M