"He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm,
and carry them close to his heart, and shall gently lead those that are with young." Isaiah 40:11

Friday, November 11, 2011

Cleaning up...

I went through the cards from the memorial services this morning.  Cried a bit, smiled as I read your notes and saw your names.  And I know that the cards alone do not represent all the people who have journyed with us.  Thank-you.  I found some money too! And a cheque! Wow - that was nice. Maybe we will put it toward the costs of the great marriage retreat that was so helpful for us.  Thank-you!!! We had opened all the cards shortly after the service.  I even read some of the Calgary cards outloud to Dave on our way to Manitoba.  But it was such a hard, crazy time and so I stuffed them all into a bag and stuck them on the office desk to read again...some day.  I am still planning to keep some of them to read again next year on Rachel's 'Heaven day'.  

I've got lots of projects on my mind these days.  Ones I have thought of doing for what seems like a looooong time.  One of them is moving Abigail into her own room.  I'm hunting for a used bed today. I would have so *loved* to make a girl room for both my girls, but I am thankful too that I have the joy of doing something special for my eldest girl! Yesterday at the dinner table, the kids were bugging each other, saying "Boys are better", "Girls are better".  And we said how glad we had one boy and one girl because we think they're both the best! Abigail corrected us by saying "no, you have two girls!".  True....

I am cleaning up some of the baby stuff we have.  I told Abigail yesterday that I was going to give the double stroller away and she said, 'but mom, what if we have another baby?' That made me sad to hear.  I would so LOVE to give her another baby brother or sister but I don't think that's in God's plan, at least not biologically.  I feel sad sometimes about that, but I am glad too for all the Good that is in our life right now.  So many ups and downs to my emotions these days....and I am glad for the better days!

Abigail's new room will be in the office.  A bit cramped but she is so excited about me painting and decorating it just for her.  This also means that I won't be using the computer after bed time hours for awhile! (until we decide to move the office downstairs) I think this will be helpful for both Dave and myself to be able to focus more on each other in the evenings! Hopefully that lasts and I don't have too many withdrawal symptoms;) I hope to still get some time to write and connect with some of you on the mornings when both my kids are in school. 

I have been rambling this morning, not too much to say.  Just that it is fun to be able to throw myself into projects like this.  And there are other dreams simmering too, like opening our home to international students again...and others I will keep to myself for now.  Thank-you God for new dreams and good days.  


Brenda Funk said...

Have fun creating your bedroom! Make sure you post some pics.

Valerie Ruth said...

sounds wonderful sis