"He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm,
and carry them close to his heart, and shall gently lead those that are with young." Isaiah 40:11

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Alexander's Quest

I have wanted to write about this for a long time now!!  I won't be able to write as well as I would like because time is short....but...Thankfully, our friends have done a marvelous job explaining their story and about the foundation they started (in Alexander's name).  You may remember me writing about Alexander, a little boy we got to know at the Flames House, who passed away on October 23rd.  Our friends realized that there were foundations that gave large wishes (one big trip etc..) to terminally ill children (which is great!) but they thought "wouldn't it also be great if there were little wishes that could be granted - ones that could make a difference over a longer period of time?"  Their foundation is the result of alot of hard work - and more importantly, the influence that their precious little boy made on their hearts (and many others too!) It is a beautiful way to honor his life and I am excited to share this with you. 

This is their mission in their words...
Our mission is to grant small wishes to 2 to 17 year old children who are terminally ill (6 months or less to live). 
We are currently working with the Alberta Children's Hospital to offer free massages to the parents of children on Unit 1 (Oncology Unit).
One night a month we will be bringing a special treat to everyone on unit 1.
Another of our goals is to bring awareness to childhood cancer and childhood brain tumours.
Alexander's Quest will also be making donations to help fund childhood brain tumour research.

Please check out their website and Facebook page.

And, We were their first "Wish Warriors"!  They gave us a one year pass to "Stir Crazy" - a play place for kids.  Amazing....Tara and Jonathan were over at our place for supper, and they were asking us if we had heard about the place and we chatted for a bit about it - when out of the blue (for us, not for them) - they pulled out this pass.  Wow.  Thank-you.  Dave just took the kids there tonight... and both kids are so excited - they are talking non-stop about it.  This is such a good gift.  

We know that our kids are definetely feeling the stress in our home - they know we haven't done certain things because of our concern for Rachel - and we don't have much to give them these days.  Ethan said to a friend of ours "Rachel has almost died hundreds of times." Maybe it feels that way for him...We need to remember to have fun with them - something so needed these days.  And because we know what it is like to receive something like this - it makes me excited to think about how this will help other families. 

Thank-you Tara and Jonathan.  We're cheering for you.       


Anonymous said...

Aw...that is so awesome :) L-lew

Janet said...

Oh Wow! That is so wonderful how God uses so many people.That is greatttt. :)
Love Janet M

Michelle said...

That is so wonderful! Your little boys words about his sister broke my heart. So hard for the siblings. I also worry/worried about my two older kids while my daughter was having her surgeries and the stress it takes on us as parents and then on the kids. Best wishes to your family!

fiona said...

makes me think about the verse that tells us that we were created to do good works. wow! these people must receive so much joy being able to give - and you receive joy being a recipient :D beautiful!!