
Thursday, November 25, 2010

Moved Home

Abigail threw up in her bed this morning.  We did not want to infect kids with vulnerable immune systems at the house - and so we moved home a day early.  We're doing ok.  And very thankful for the meals in our freezer! Really hoping that Rachel escapes the flu but we shall see...

I took Rachel to see her cardiologist while Dave packed up.  Her oxygen saturation is 61%.  Other than that, nothing else to report.  We booked another apointment on December 20, and we will do another echocardiogram then. 

While at the Hospital yesterday with my older two (just for a change of scenery) - I saw this little girl crawling and sitting and even standing a bit with help.  I asked how old she was.  Six and a half months old.  wow.  That was a bit of a shocker for me.  I still hear strangers ask me if Rachel is a preemie! Rachel is who she is and we love her just the way she is.  It just surprises me sometimes to meet other healthy babies her age...and see the obvious differences.  Abigail ran up almost right away to 'play' with her and I couldn't help thinking how it would have been for her to have a healthy little sister.     


  1. Oh I'm so sorry! you could really all have used a bit of a break. I will pray that none of the rest of you get that flu bug!Kids throwing up in bed makes for a lot of work -- laundry etc. not to mention the stomach turning smell!! The rest of my kids usually woke up crying before throwing up, but Jen inevitably would throw up all over her bed....and long hair. What a mess. Still haven't forgotten!

  2. Praying Rachel escapes the flu! She's such a peanut and she will grow at her own speed. My Callie weighed only 12lbs at 14mths old. They are all different and special in their own way:)

  3. Praying for good health for you all, especially for Rachel. May it all be over with before Brenda & Elmer get there. (Although, it's not such a bad idea to have grandparents around to clean up the throw up!).

  4. Hey well thankfully I outgrew that habit mom! Obviously I left you scarred hehe. I'm sure I'll be in your place someday and it'll be payback time... Dave, Kendra - hopefully you feel somewhat reenergised even if it turned out to be a short stay. I hear mom & dad are going to be bringing you carloads of Christmas cheer... hope you guys have lots of fun and can relax together a bit. Love, Jen
